How to Participate

  • Homeowner Surveys

    Household surveys were conducted in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska and Whitehorse, Yukon early in 2022.  Results are pending.

  • Facebook Group

    If you would like to receive updates about this project or submit feedback, comments, or photos of natural hazards we invite you to like our Facebook page.  We also have a Facebook group.  Posts are usually similar among the two, but the page is updated more often.

  • Permafrost Monitoring with Sensors

    Next summer we would like to monitor permafrost thaw on properties, especially properties who have taken actions to reduce their wildfire risk.
    If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form.

  • Permafrost Monitoring with Kits

    Monitoring your permafrost is not as difficult as you think! There are simple kits that can be used to assess your permafrost and if interest is great enough our researchers would be willing to hold a training and prepare permafrost monitoring kits.
    If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form.